Foam Use

Spraying foam


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  • Water Reduction
  • Increased Surface Contact Time
  • No Run-Off
  • FILLS Cracks and Voids
  • Increased Absorption
  • Provides a Visual Marker
  • Calibration
  • Reduces Chemical Run-Off into Waterways
  • Biodegradable

Incorporating ProFoam Platinum with liquid chemicals used in industry --Pest Control, Sanitation, Construction, Manufacturing, Turf Industries, Food Processing, Automotive, Poultry, and Horticulture –creates a new treatment process that liquids alone can’t provide. This formula also reduces water consumption.

Michael Howe clearly remembers the plane ride from Calgary, where, making notes on his airline napkin, he committed himself to developing a new and much needed platform for the Pest Control Industry. During the four hour flight he sketched the next leg of his professional journey. Michael named the company NPD and he rapidly drafted the first steps necessary in creating a non-repellent foam that would blend with other chemicals used in the pest control industry. With the advent of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) trending around the turn of the century, the timing was perfect. His vision was to develop tools--a product and delivery system that would allow technicians to eliminate pests in the least invasive manner possible.

Foam was not a new commodity; in fact foam has been used in agriculture as a marker over the years. In pest control, a form of repellent foam was used sparsely since the early 60’s, yet it had not been studied or developed as a viable solution on how it would help in the eradication of insects. Nor had a non-repellent foam ever been developed.

There have been many supporters along the way, from universities, chemical developers researchers and industry leaders, all who understand the benefits of ProFoam Platinum. NPD’s ProFoam Platinum now celebrates 10 years in the marketplace. Great Foam, Needs Great Delivery.

However, there was still a huge hurdle in order for foam to gain full access into an IPM system for Pest Control companies. There wasn’t an effective foam delivery system in place. Foam with all its attributes, wasn’t as easy to apply as liquid, because the proper equipment wasn’t designed. Howe went back to the drawing board, to create and patent a Foam Generation delivery system. JackPlus, a handheld foamer that could also be used as a liquid applicator, became available for foam treatments. Yet it still wasn’t enough.

Sherman HE & Little Bro Herman HE — Heavy Duty HE Foam Generation Equipment

Foam delivery, with the right equipment, as technicians, trainers, managers, and owners are seeing the value of using foam. Using foam allows technicians to target treatments, advising customers how this application is a superior treatment over a standard liquid a why, as foam contacts all surfaces, penetrating longer for a better kill.

Measurable Results: Accuracy plays a major role in protecting our environment while at the same time controlling the costs of chemicals used everyday. NPD offers complete solutions from products to measuring and applying.

And with a reduced amount of products, profits increase. Without having to haul large tanks of water around, costs go down. “However, you can have the greatest product since sliced bread,” says Michael, “but if you can’t apply it with efficient equipment, it will not make life in the pest control any easier. The last thing I want to do is make the load of a technician heavier.”

After many sleepless nights while more R & D took place, in the wee hours of a morning last winter, all the years of Michael’s equipment experience fell into place. The Sherman prototype, tough as a tank, can apply liquid and foam, separately or simultaneously, mist, dust, is an air compressor, has no moving parts to breakdown, is easily transportable, has an adjustable handle, cleans out through the bottom, has a big mouth for easy pour--is the technician’s next best friend. One tool—all jobs. Michael had been listening throughout the years and has now designed the next generation of foaming equipment.

Foam is now ready to roll (or stack), full speed ahead.

NPD’s equipment and products will be the most cost effective tools your business will purchase. “Our products help you Grow”, as you realize 1000’s of additional dollars in total revenue, year after year.

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